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History before the Church History


History before the Church History



* History of the Old Testament

1) "In the beginning..." (Genesis 1-11)

2) History of the Abrahams (Genessis 12-50)

3) History of the foundation of the Israel (Exodus--Joshua)

4) History of the Judges (Judges)

5) History during age of the Kingdom of Israel

(1&2 Sam, 1&2 Kings, 1&2 Chlonicles, and other prophetic and wisdom writings)

6) History during the Exile (Esther, Daniel,...)

7) History during the returning from the Exile (Ezra, Nehemiah, Malachi)





* History between the Old and the New Testament

1) Judaism # Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes, Jealots

2) Hellenism # Canonization of the OT and the LXX



* History of Jesus

1) Four Gospels

2) "historical Jesus"

3) Jesus movement # "the kerigma Jesus": "the Proclaimed proclaimer"

4) Gospel of Q and other gospels (documents) about Jesus
